
蔡祖逖,男,1935 年年 3 月生,广东汕头人.现为中国教育行业专家委员会委员,获“中国教育著名专家”称号,是 2006 年第三届中国教育家大会会员,北京中联科教育研究中心研究员。

    中国有突出贡献专家,中亚联合国际经济发展研究中心高级研究员,中共党校主编“市县领导月刊”理事会委员,“中国评论月刊“特邀评论员,中国国际文艺家协会博学会员,高级研究员,中国国学研究院高级研究员,中国世界华人作家艺术家协会会员,中国延安文艺学会会员。中国名人协会中国书画研究院名誉院长,中国民族文化艺术研究院终身荣誉顾问,中华文艺画报社荣誉理事,特聘书画高级顾问,国际 ISQ9000A 书画艺术家资格认证中心副主席兼评审委员等等。

    荣获中国亚太经济发展研究中心经贸文化交流中心联合颁发的 2006 中国百名行业风云人物“金质奖章,荣获中华名人协会中国书画研究院首评“风云人物”‘金奖,“国学十年个人艺术成就奖,书画精品奖,荣获“国学十年明珠艺术家”、“中国当代杰出艺术人才”等等称号。

    Cai Zuti, male, born in March 1935 in Shantou, Guangdong. Currently, he is a member of the China Education Industry Expert Committee and has been awarded the title of "Famous Expert in Chinese Education". He is a member of the 3rd China Educators Conference in 2006 and a researcher at the Beijing Zhonglian Education Research Center.Expert with outstanding contributions from China, senior researcher at the Central Asian Joint International Economic Development Research Center, and member of the Communist Party of ChinaMember of the Council of the "City and County Leadership Monthly" edited by the school, specially invited commentator of the "China Review Monthly", China InternationalFellow and Senior Researcher of the Artists Association, Senior Researcher of the Chinese Academy of Chinese Studies, and World Chinese in ChinaMember of the Writers and Artists Association and member of the Yan'an Literature and Art Society of China.

    Honorary Dean of the Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Research Institute of the Chinese Celebrity Association, Lifetime Honor of the Chinese Academy of Ethnic Culture and ArtConsultant, Honorary Director of the Chinese Literature and Art Pictorial Society, Specially Appointed Senior Consultant in Calligraphy and Painting, International ISQ9000A Calligraphy and Painting ArtVice Chairman and Jury Member of the Artist Qualification Certification Center, among others.

    Received the 2006 China Top 100 Industry Figures "Gold Medal jointly awarded by the China Asia Pacific Economic Development Research Center, Economic, Trade and Cultural Exchange Center, won the first" Figure of the Year "gold award from the Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Research Institute of the Chinese Celebrity Association, won the" Ten Year Inpidual Art Achievement Award of Chinese Studies, "Excellent Calligraphy and Painting Award, and won titles such as" Ten Year Pearl Artist of Chinese Studies "and" Outstanding Contemporary Art Talent of China ".



CCTV News Center's Commentary on Mr. Cai Zuti's Calligraphy

    Mr. Cai Zuti's calligraphy is unparalleled. His book is a classic work with a majestic and magnificent atmosphere, a fusion of thought and spirit, and an abstract brush and ink meaning. With rich life experience and academic cultivation as the foundation, he is supported by his pen and ink skills that reach the realm of transformation, breaking through the previous constraints of traditional imitation and legal methods,Due to the creation of a state of mind, the mind is manipulated by hand, and calligraphy is written with pine experience rather than visual perception, indicating that Mr. Cai Zuti's artistic skills and achievements are extraordinary. In terms of brushwork, Mr. Cai Zuti's calligraphy has also reached a state of unprecedented and unprecedented development. His profound and majestic style, which is shocking to the world, has also elevated Chinese calligraphy to a supreme level


