

    郑祖斌,号煮冰,梅君子,自得斋主人。1944 年出生,福建福州 人,国家一级美术师,荣获中央级专家高级职称,文化发展战略研究部国家高级研究员,担任中希文明互鉴奠基人,荣获央媒中华之光金 奖,红船精神艺术家,中国当代艺术家协会终身名誉主席,人民日报社艺术鉴赏中心名誉副主席,美国国家艺术中心“外籍委员”英国皇家艺术研究院荣誉院士客座教 授,法兰西皇家美术学院皇家首席艺术家,台北故宫书画院终身名誉 院长客座教授,中国书画研究院常务理事,福建海外联谊会理事,福建海峡书画研究院常务副秘书长,2011 年 12 月 20 日,习xx副主席 访问越南时。外交部以郑祖斌的梅花图为礼品,赠送给越南国家领导人。 1972 年参与创作北京人民大会堂台湾厅大型漆画《郑成功收复台湾》。 1974 年为毛xx乘坐的“774”型红旗牌轿车内漆器装饰设计制作。 1976 年雕塑作品用脱胎漆艺制作的《周总理胸像》被选送中央。 《春风驱寒》刊登在 1978 年 2 月刊美术杂志.

    1986 年《花魁》被联合国工业发展组织收藏。 1993 年在首都博物馆举办《郑祖斌画梅展》,张仃先生题写展 名,王光英先生为画展揭幕,人民日报、中央电视台、美术杂志相继 作了报道。

    2005 年文化部主办的世界华人精品大展《梅花小寿一千年》荣获国际银奖。2015 年 11 月刊(金参考》(政界)作品十余幅被选为扉页、插页、封底。《新中国文艺 40 家》《中国一线大家》《感动中国 最美艺术家》及台湾《中国美术》等多部辞书。2019 年第七届中国文 化艺术节荣获《金猪奖》。终身成就奖。中国国礼特聘书画艺术家。 传略人编《中国美术家》《中国当代艺术家》。

    Zheng Zubin, also known as "Boiled Ice" and "Plum Gentleman", is the owner of his own room. Born in 1944 in Fuzhou, Fujian, China, he is a national first-class artist. He has been awarded a senior professional title as a central expert and a national senior researcher at the Cultural Development Strategy Research Department. He has served as the founder of mutual learning between Chinese and Greek civilizations, and has won the China Light Gold Award from the central media. He is also a Red Boat Spiritual Artist, a lifelong honorary chairman of the China Contemporary Artists Association, and an honorary vice chairman of the People's Daily Art Appreciation Center, Visiting professor, honorary academician of the British Royal Academy of Arts, honorary chief artist of the French Royal Academy of Fine Arts, visiting professor, permanent honorary president of the Taipei Palace Museum Painting and Calligraphy Academy, executive director of the Chinese Academy of Painting and Calligraphy, director of the Fujian Overseas Friendship Association, and executive deputy secretary general of the Fujian Strait Painting and Calligraphy Academy. On December 20, 2011, Vice President Xi xx visited Vietnam. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs presented Zheng Zubin's plum blossom picture as a gift to Vietnamese leaders. In 1972, he participated in the creation of Koxinga's Recovery of Taiwan, a large-scale lacquer painting in the Taiwan Hall of the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. In 1974, he designed and produced the interior paint decoration for the "774" Red Flag sedan that Mao xx was riding on. In 1976, the sculpture work "The Bust of Premier Zhou" made of bodiless lacquer art was selected for submission to the central government. The Spring Breeze Dispels Cold "was published in the February 1978 issue of the Art Magazine

    In 1986, "Huakui" was collected by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization. In 1993, Zheng Zubin's Plum Blossom Painting Exhibition was held in the Capital Museum. Mr. Zhang Ding wrote the title of the exhibition. Mr. Wang Guangying opened the exhibition. People's Daily, CCTV and art magazines reported on it successively.

    In 2005, the World Chinese Boutique Exhibition "Thousand Years of Plum Blossom Life" hosted by the Ministry of Culture won the awardInternational Silver Award. In November 2015, more than ten works from the "Golden Reference" (political circles) were selected as title pages, inserts, and back covers. There are several dictionaries, including "40 New Chinese Literary and Art Schools", "Top Chinese Artists", "Touching the Most Beautiful Artists in China", and "Chinese Art" in Taiwan. In 2019, the 7th China Culture and Art Festival won the "Golden Pig Award". Lifetime Achievement Award. Chinese National Rites Specially Appointed Calligraphy and Painting Artists. Biographer edited "Chinese Artists" and "Contemporary Chinese Artists".


